nulla si crea nulla si distruggie

Mixed material, 100×60 cm. A raw and textured portrait emerging from salvaged materials, exploring impermanence through cracked surfaces and cryptic words


Nulla si crea, nulla si distrugge is a 100×60 cm artwork crafted using recovered materials from the artist’s atelier. A wood panel, Dash modeling paste, and wall tempera paint come together to form a striking composition, where the rawness of the materials enhances the depth of expression.

A tense and enigmatic face emerges from the cracks, its skin fragmented like a weathered surface, revealing the passage of time and the fragility of existence. Faint, hermetic words are inscribed within the texture—barely legible, they hint at hidden meanings, urging the viewer to decode their message.

This piece is a testament to the transformation of discarded elements into new life, an exploration of impermanence, resilience, and the silent stories embedded in materiality.

Weight 5 kg
Dimensions 100 × 60 × 2 cm


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